Regardless of age, sex or how many years you have been puffing away, there are always benefits of quitting smoking. Everyone who smokes knows deep down (even if they wont admit it ) that they should quit. There are many benefits of quitting smoking, with undoubtedly the main one being that it can save and add many years to your life. If you choose to smoke, odds on it will kill you, history has well and truly proved that for us. Lets take a closer look at the benefits.
Here are some quitting smoking benefits in relation to your last cigarette.
20 minutes: Heart rate slows down which in turn lowers your blood pressure
8-12 hours: Dangerous carbon monoxide levels have dropped down to normal
2-3 days: Risk of heart attack declines (and will continue to do so for next 3 months). Taste bud sensitivity and sense of smell begin to return. Energy levels increase.
1 month: Bronchial tubes begin to heal which reduces the need to cough and/or clear the throat. Lung functioning has improved.
2+ months: Energy levels will significantly increase, everyday activities such as climbing stairs become much easier. Blood circulation has improved because cigarettes no are no longer constricting blood vessels.
1 year: Risk of getting coronary heart disease is half of what it would've be if you still smoked.
5+ years: Risk of stroke is the same as a non-smoker. Lungs are strong and healthy again, risk of getting lung cancer is halved. Risk of getting other smoking related cancers are greatly diminished also.
It is easy to see that quitting will add years to your life but there are many more benefits of quitting smoking than just this, these include;
- Other health benefits, like decreased risk of emphysema, bronchitis, pneumonia, angina, osteoporosis, type 2 diabetes, sexual disfunctions to name a few from an enormous list.
- Those around you benefit from not having to breathe in your second hand smoke. They also get to a know a new you whose breath and clothes no longer stink of awful cigarette smoke.
- Smoking ages you greatly. By quitting you give yourself the chance of looking younger for a longer time.
- Think of all the money you will save, I mean really think about it. If you are a pack a day smoker and it costs $10 a pack. In one year thats an extra $3650 in your back pocket. $Cha-Ching$. Do the calculations for your own habit, you will be shocked.
It is your turn to experience the benefits that quitting smoking has to offer.